Biblical Mentorship

What is Biblical Mentorship?

At MBT, we strongly believe that every individual has been invited to know Jesus and then subsequently called to grow in their faith. With this call, we do not have to wait until we are adults to learn how to follow Christ as disciples, nor should we. All throughout scripture are examples of mature believers in Christ inviting younger individuals into relationship with them, so that individuals can learn to follow Jesus through that relational and biblical investment. Enter Biblical Mentorship. Mentorship pairs an experienced believer in Christ with a teenager who is attempting to navigate all the complexities that adolescence contains. The design is an intentional, loving, transparent relationship where youth know they are cared for, and know that the Word of God has an answer as to how to move through this life.

Interested in Mentorship?

Come and discover what it means to follow Christ as a teen by signing up for Mentorship! The pre-requisite for Mentorship is attending the Cost of Mentorship class. Once you have taken the Cost of Mentorship class, please sign up below.

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The goals of mentorship are twofold:

  • See the mentee grow in Personal Accountability for their faith

  • See the mentee centered on the Word of God as their final authority in life

Ultimately, the hope is that through mentorship students gain a genuine Christ-like friend and someone they can look to as an example of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. The goal of the mentor is to model Christlikeness. Within the accountability that this friendship provides, the hope is that teens will begin to own their personal faith and build upon the foundation that Christ has laid. Through the relational support and the biblical investment, teens will be able to successfully navigate the challenges experienced throughout adolescence. Instead of stumbling through their teenage years, we are trusting God for the mentee to own their identity in Christ and be ready to follow him into adulthood!

Have you finished Mentorship?

Fill out the Mentorship Completion Form